Twenty-Second Word

“Twenty Second Word” offers twelve demonstrative proofs for the existence of God.

Click to listen to Episode 1 (audio / video), Episode 2 (audio / video), Episode 3 (audio / video), Episode 4 (audio / video), Episode 5 (audio / video), Episode 6 (audio / video), and Episode 7 (audio / video).

translation by Dr. Mustafa Tuna
Starting with Episode 10, a rough translation of the section that is being discussed is posted below. This is a work in progress and should not be considered a finalized translation. It is only meant to help with understanding the recorded discussion.

Episode 1 (audio / video)

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
وَيَضْرِبُ اللهُ اْلاَمْثاَلَ لِلنَّاسِ لَعَلَّهُمْ يَتَذَكَّرُونَ
وَتِلْكَ اْلاَمْثاَلُ نَضْرِبُهَا لِلنَّاسِ لَعَلَّهُمْ يَتَفَكَّرُونَ

In the name of God, the Merciful, the Mercy-Giver
And God presents examples for people so that they are reminded
(Qur’an, 14: 25).
And these examples We present for people so that they reflect (Qur’an, 59: 21).

Once, two men washed in a pool. They lost their senses under an extraordinary influence. When they opened their eyes, they saw that they were taken to an amazing realm. Such a realm that due to the perfection of its orderliness, it was in effect a country, or a city, or rather, a palace.

They looked around in a state of complete bewilderment. They saw that if looked in one respect, a tremendous realm was seen; in another respect, it was a perfect city, and in yet another respect, it was a palace with an utmostly magnificent realm in it.

They looked around traveling in this amazing realm. They saw that there were some creatures that spoke in a style, but these two did not know their languages. However, it was understood from their signals that they performed important tasks and fulfilled significant duties.

One of those two men said to his friend: “Surely, this amazing realm has an administrator, this orderly country has an owner, this perfect city has a possessor, and this artful palace has a masterful builder. We should try and know him, for it is understood that it is he who brought us here. If we do not get to know him, who will give us aid? What can we expect from these powerless creatures whose languages we do not know and who do not listen to us? Moreover, of course a person who fashions a vast realm in the form of a country, the style of a city, and the shape of a palace, then fills it with wondrous things from one end to the other, adorns it with the varieties of adornments, and furnishes it with meaningfully edifying miracles wants something from us and those who come here. We should get to know him, and it is necessary that we find out what he wants.”

The other man said: “I don’t believe that there will be a person such as the one you have mentioned and that he will administer the entire realm on his own.”

His friend responded: “If we do not get to know him and if we remain indifferent, there is no benefit in that. If there is harm, it will be utterly tremendous. If we try to know him, the hardship involved is utterly light, and if there is benefit, it is utterly tremendous. Therefore, remaining indifferent to him is not rational at all.”

That vagabond man said: “I see all my comfort and enjoyment in not thinking about him. Moreover, I will not deal with such things that my intellect cannot handle. All these affairs are coincidental and chaotic; it is happening on its own. What is it to me?”

His intelligent friend said to him: “This obstinacy of yours will put me and many others into trouble. Sometimes it happens that an entire country is ruined because of one ill-mannered person.”

Then again, that vagabond turned and said: “Either prove to me definitively that this vast realm has only one owner and only one maker. Or do not bother me.”

In response, his friend said: “Since your stubbornness has reached the degree of lunacy and you will bring a scourge on us with your stubbornness, I will show to you with Twelve Demonstrations that this realm, which is like a palace, and this country, which is like a city, has only one builder. And it is only that builder who administers everything. He has no deficiency in any way. That builder who is not visible to us sees us and everything, and he hears their words. All his works are miraculous and wondrous. All these creatures that we see yet do not understand their languages are his officials.”

Episode 2 (audio / video)

First Demonstration

Come, look all around, pay attention to everything. A hidden hand is operating within all these works, for, look, this one thing that does not have even a dirham of strength and that is small like a seed (sidenote 1) lifts thousands of batmans of load. That which does not have even a particle of consciousness (sidenote 2) fulfills utterly wise tasks. In that case, these do not operate on their own. There is a hidden possessor of power that causes them to operate. If left to their own means, every work and everything in this country that we have seen from one end to another would have to be miraculous and wondrous. And that is a sophistry.

sidenote 1: Points to the seeds that carry trees on their heads.

sidenote 2: Points to how delicate plants that cannot rise on their own nor carry the weight of their fruits, like grape vines, shoot subtle hands to other trees, wrap themselves around those trees, and hence rise.

Episode 3 (audio / video)

Second Demonstration

Come, pay attention to the things that adorn all these plains, these arenas, and these dwellings. In each one of them, there are affairs that inform about that hidden person. It is as though they each are informing about that unseen person like a royal monogram or a stamp. Here, before your eyes, look, what he makes from a dirham of cotton (sidenote 3):

sidenote 3: Points to the seed. For example, how a particle-like poppy seed, apricot pits weighing about a dirham, and a melon seed bring from the treasure of mercy and present to us leaves woven more beautifully from broadcloth, flowers more white and more yellow than calico, fruits sweeter than delights and more subtle, more delicious, and more lovely than desert balls or canned preserves.

Look, how many rolls of broadcloth, calico, and fabric with floral prints came out if it. Look, how many sugary delights and sweet desert balls are made from them that they would be sufficient if people like us wore and ate them.

Also, look, he took this iron, dirt, water, coal, copper, silver, and gold in his unseen hand and made a lump of meat (sidenote 4). Look, see!

sidenote 4: Points to bringing animal bodies into existence from elements and the possessors of life from sperms.

Look, O mindless person, these affairs are exclusive to such a person that this entire country and all its parts exist under his miraculous power and submit to his wishes.

Third Demonstration

Come, look at these moving antique artifacts that are his (sidenote 5). They are each made in such a fashion that they are as though small copies of this massive palace. Whatever exists in this palace exists in those small and moving machines.

sidenote 5: Points to animals and people, for an animal is a small index of this realm; and since human quiddity is a condensed similitude of this cosmos, it is as though whatever exists in the realm exists in the human being.

Is it at all possible that someone other than the master of this palace shall come and concentrate this amazing palace in a small machine? Is it at all possible that something coincidental or futile shall exist in a machine that is as small as a box yet contains the entire realm?

In that case, however many antique machines exist that the eye sees, they are each in effect stamps of that hidden person. In fact, they are each in effect a crier, each a proclamation. They say with the tongue of their states: “We are the art of such a person that he is a person who can make our entire realm easily, as he makes us and brings us into existence with facility.”

Episode 4 (audio / video)

Fourth Demonstration

O the obstinate friend! Come, I will show you what is more amazing. Look, all these affairs, all these things in this country changed and are changing. They don’t stay in one state. Pay attention that these inanimate objects and senseless boxes each took the form of an absolute ruler. It is as though, every thing rules over all things.

Here, look at this machine near us (sidenote 6). As though it gives a command, here, the requirements and materials required for its ornamentation and operation come running from faraway places. There, look at there: As though that unconscious object (sidenote 7) gives a signal, making the largest object a servant to itself and work in its affairs.

sidenote 6: The machine points to fruit-bearing trees, for as though it is carrying hundreds of looms and factories on its thin branches, it weaves, ornaments, and cooks astonishing leaves, flowers, and fruits and extends them to us. Whereas magnificent trees like the pine and the cedar set up their looms on a dry rock and keep operating.

sidenote 7: Points to grains, seeds, and the tiny eggs of flies. For instance, a fly leaves its eggs on the leaf of an elm tree. Suddenly, that massive tree turns its leaves into a maternal womb, a cradle, and a storehouse filled with a honey-like nutriment. It is as though that fruitless tree is bearing fruits with spirits in this way.

Compare other things to these. It is as though everything subjugates the creatures of this entire Realm. If you do not accept that hidden person, you will give all the skills, arts, and perfections of that person on the rocks, soil, animals, and human-like creatures of this entire country to each of those things one by one. Here, in lieu of one miracle-working person that the intellect deems unlikely, how is it that billions of miracle-workers like him that contradict one another, that are each other’s similitudes, and that are within each other will exist, yet this orderliness will not be ruined, and those miracle-workers will not mess everything up; and that, while if two fingers meddle together in this massive country, they mess it up, for the existence of two directors in a village, two governors in a city, or two emperors in a country messes things up, let alone boundless absolute rulers existing together!

Fifth Demonstration

O, the friend with obsessive thoughts! Come, pay attention to the engravings of this tremendous palace, look at the ornaments in this entire city, see the organization in this whole country, and reflect upon the arts in this entire realm.

Here, look: If the pen of a hidden person with infinite miracles and skills is not in operation, if these engravings that belong to him are given to these other unconscious causes, blind coincidence, and deaf nature, then, either every rock and plant in this country will have to be a miracle-working engraver and extraordinary scribe capable of writing a thousand books in every letter and including millions of arts in every engraving; for, look at the engravings on these rocks (sidenote 8): The engravings of the entire palace, the organizational rules of the whole city, the programs for the arrangements of the entire country are on them. That means that making these engravings is as wondrous as making this entire country. And in that case, every engraving and every art is a proclamation and seal of that hidden person.

sidenote 8: Points to the human being, which is the fruit of the tree of creation, and the fruit, which carries the program and index of its tree. For whatever the pen of power has written on the great book of the realm, it has written the aggregate of the same in the human quiddity. Whatever the pen of divine determination has written on a mountain-like tree, it has included the same in its fruit the size of a fingernail.

Since a letter would not exist without showing its scribe, and it would not be possible for an artful engraving not to inform about its engraver, how can an engraver who writes a massive book in one letter and engraves a thousand engravings within one engraving not be known through his book and engraving. 

Episode 5 (audio / video)

Sixth Demonstration

Come, we will go to this vast plain (sidenote 9). There, on that plain, there is a high mountain. We will climb on it, so that all its surroundings can be visible. We will also take with us beautiful binoculars that bring everything close, for amazing affairs are taking place in this amazing country. Every hour, affairs that do not ever cross our minds are taking place.

sidenote 9: Points to the face of the earth in the spring and summer seasons, for then, various groups of hundreds of different creatures are brought into existence within each other and written on the face of the earth. They are transformed without fault or defect, with perfect orderliness. Thousands of tables that belong to the Merciful are laid out, then removed and replaced by fresh ones. Each tree becomes in effect a tray-bearer and each orchard a caldron.

Here, look: These mountains, plains, and cities are suddenly changing. Indeed, look how they are changing! In such a fashion that millions of affairs within one another are changing in utter orderliness. Amazing transformations are taking place, as though millions of various fabrics are being woven within one another.

Look, the flowery things with which we had become so familiar and gotten to know disappeared. Others that are like them in quiddity but different in form replaced them. It is as though this plain and these mountains are each a page, and hundreds of thousands of different books are being written within them. Moreover, they are being written without mistake or deficiency.

Here, it is a hundred times inconceivable that these affairs will take place by themselves. Yes, it is a thousand times inconceivable for these utterly artful and careful affairs to take place by themselves, and therefore they are showing their artist more than themselves.

Moreover, the one who operates these is such a miracle-working person that no affair is heavy for him. Writing a thousand books is as easy for him as writing one letter.

Together with this, look all around and see that he is also placing everything in its proper place with such wisdom, he is benevolently showering everyone with favors that befit them with such munificence, and he is lifting curtains and opening doors generally for all with such beneficence that he is satisfying everyone’s desires. Moreover, he is setting up tables with such openhandedness in profusion that to each group of the peoples and animals of this country, nay, to each individual with its private name and description a specific and befitting table of blessings is being provided.

So, is there anything more inconceivable in this world than that there will be coincidental affairs among these affairs we see, that they will be futile serving no benefit, that multiple hands will get involved in them, that their masterful maker will not be capable of everything, or that everything will not be subjugated to him? Here, O friend, find an excuse to explain this away if you dare.

Episode 6 (audio / video)

Seventh Demonstration

O friend, come. Now we will leave these particulars and pay attention to the positions that the parts of this amazing realm, which is shaped like a palace, take vis-à-vis each other.

Here, look. Universal works are being carried out in this realm and general transformations are taking place with such a degree of orderliness that as though all rocks, soil, trees, and everything in this palace were observing the universal orders of this entire realm each like a volitional active agent, and they are acting accordingly. Things that are furthest away from one another are rushing to each other’s aid.

Here, look: An amazing convoy is coming out of the unseen (sidenote 10). Their mounts are like trees, plants, and mountains. They each carry trays of provision on their heads. Here, look, they are bringing the provisions of various animals waiting on this side.

sidenote 10: Points to the convoys of plants and trees that bear the provisions of most animals.

Also, look at that tremendous electric lamp on this dome (sidenote 11). It both gives them light and so beautifully cooks all of their food! Only that, the foods to be cooked are each being attached to a string and held to it by an unseen hand (sidenote 12).

sidenote 11: That tremendous electric lamp points to the Sun.

sidenote 12: The string and the food items attached to the string are the delicate tree branches and their delicious fruits.

Look in this direction too: These helpless, weak, and frail tiny animals with no power… Look how two tiny pumps filled with subtle nutrition are set up in front of their heads (sidenote 13), like two fountains, and it is enough for that weak creature merely to latch onto it.

sidenote 13: As for the two tiny pumps, they point to the breasts of mothers.

In conclusion: All things in this entire realm help each other as though they face each other. They hold hand in hand with each other as though they see each other. They come shoulder to shoulder with each other in order to complete each other’s affairs, and they work side by side. Compare everything to this; it will not finish by counting.

So, all these states show as definitely as two times two equal four that everything is subjugated to the master of this amazing palace, that is, to the owner of this marvelous realm. Everything works on his account. Everything is in effect his obedient soldiers. Everything happens with his power. Everything moves under his command. Everything is organized with his wisdom. Everything provides assistance with his munificence. Everything rushes to the aid of others with his mercy, that is they are made to rush. O friend, say something against this if you dare.

Episode 7 (audio / video)

Eighth Demonstration

Come, O friend who – like my lower soul – presumes itself intelligent! You don’t want to recognize the owner of this magnificent palace, yet everything shows him, points to him, and bears witness to him. How can you repudiate the testimony of all these things? In that case, repudiate this palace too. Say: “The realm does not exist, the country does not exist,” and repudiate yourself as well and disappear. Or come to your senses and listen to me.

Here, look: There are uniform elements and minerals in this palace and encompassing this country (sidenote 14). It is as though everything that appears in the country are made of them. That means whosever those matters are, everything made of them is also his. Whosever the field is, his is the harvest. Whosever the sea is, his is its contents.

sidenote 14: The elements and minerals point to the elements of air, water, light, and soil, which have many orderly duties, rushing to the aid of all needy ones with the Lord’s leave, and with divine command, entering everywhere, rendering assistance, procuring the requirements of life, suckling the living beings, and being a source, progenitor, and cradle for the weaving of divine artifacts.

Also look: These woven things, these engraved fabrics that are being woven are made from a single matter. Whoever brings that matter, prepares it, and spins it into threads is of course and evidently one person, because that work does not accept partnership. In that case, all artful things that are woven are his alone.

Also look: Each type of these woven and manufactured things exist everywhere in the country. They have spread around with all their fellow brothers in the same genus; they are being manufactured and woven together, within one another, in one fashion, and at the same moment. That means, this is the work of one person; they are moving with one command. Otherwise, such agreement and congruence at the same moment and in one fashion and one form is inconceivable.

In that case, every one of these artful things is in effect a proclamation of that hidden person; they show him. It is as though every fabric with floral prints, every artful machine, every sweet morsel is in effect a stamp, a seal, a decoration, or a royal monogram of that miracle-working person. They each say with the tongue of states: “Whosever art I am, the chests and shops I am in are also his property.” Every engraving says: “Whoever wove me, the roll I am in is also woven by him.” Every sweet morsel says: “Whoever makes and cooks me, the cauldron I am in is also his.” Every machine says: “Whoever has made me is the one who makes all my likes spread throughout the country. It is he who raises us all around the country. That means, he is the owner of the country. In that case, whoever is the owner of this entire country and palace can alone be our owner.” For example, in the way that to own a single cartridge belt or a button that is specific to government use, one has to own all factories that make them and thus, truly own them. Otherwise, they would be taken away as government property from that unruly blabbermouth, and he would be punished.

In conclusion: As the elements of this country are matters that encompass the country, and their owner can only be a single person who owns the entire country, likewise, because all arts spread throughout the country are similar to one another and demonstrate one stamp, all artifacts spread through the face of the country show that they are the art of one person who rules over every single thing.

Here, O friend! Since there is a mark of oneness in this country, that is, in this magnificent palace, then there is a stamp of unity. For some types of things are encompassing while they are one, and others are in multitude, but they demonstrate a unity in species because they are alike and everywhere. Unity shows he who is one. That means, their master maker, owner, possessor, and artful maker must all be the same one.

Together with this, pay attention to this that a quite thick rope comes out of the veil of the unseen (sidenote 15). Look, thousands of strings extend from it. Look at the tips of the strings: a diamond, decoration, bestowal, or gift is attached to each. To everything, it gives a gift suitable for it. Wonder if you know what an act of lunacy it is to not recognize and thank the person who stretches out such amazing bestowals and gifts to these creatures from behind such a marvelous veil of the unseen. For if you do not recognize him, you will be obliged to say: “These strings themselves make the diamonds and other gifts on their tips and give them.” Then, it would be required to consider each string a king, whereas, before our eyes, that unseen hand is making those strings too and attaching those gifts to them. That means, everything in this palace shows that miracle-working person. If you do not recognize him, you will fall a hundred degrees beneath animals by denying all these things.

sidenote 15: The quite thick rope points to a fruit-bearing tree, while the thousands of strings point to its branches, and the diamond, decoration, bestowal, and gifts on the tips of the strings point to various kinds of flowers and species of fruits.